MATT DUNDAS is a comedian and musician based in Maine. This is his website.


mattymakesmerry @

Ep. 22 – H2 Uh-Oh

Alissa Weinman, Associate Campaign Director at Corporate Accountability, chats with Matt about her work on water rights in the U.S. and beyond. Alissa Weinman bio: “I challenge corporate power because I want to ensure that corporations can no longer exploit the communities and the environment surrounding their industries,” says Alissa. Growing up on the Chesapeake…

Alissa Weinman, Associate Campaign Director at Corporate Accountability, chats with Matt about her work on water rights in the U.S. and beyond.

Alissa Weinman bio:

“I challenge corporate power because I want to ensure that corporations can no longer exploit the communities and the environment surrounding their industries,” says Alissa.

Growing up on the Chesapeake Bay, Alissa saw firsthand what that kind of exploitation looks like. She watched as Big Ag destroyed the bay and the livelihoods of fishers and farmers who relied on those waters for their incomes. While she is happy that the Chesapeake is now bouncing back, that experience showed her at an early age that transnational corporations have tremendous disregard for both for the environment and the lives of people.

And it led her to Corporate Accountability, where she mobilizes our members and allies on the water campaign to challenge corporate control of water. She helps to expose the abuses of the bottled water industry and works closely with communities that are challenging Nestlé’s bottling practices.

Prior to joining staff, Alissa worked as a Green Corps organizer, where she led environmental campaigns with Climate Reality Project and worked on GMO labeling with Food & Water Watch. Also, she loves hot sauce so much she belongs to a hot sauce of the month club.

About Corporate Accountability

Corporate Accountability stops transnational corporations from devastating democracy, trampling human rights, and destroying our planet.

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